At Kevin Hsu Studios, we not only provide our clients with unique design, but we also create art that is uniquely personalized to each client. We conduct extensive interviews with every client to understand what makes them tick and what brings them happiness, and we make those elements a central part of our final design. This results in the most unexpected and satisfying design to be found - one that has aesthetic appeal for all, but also has an individual resonance factor that is deeply personal.
For example, a client shares with us that he plays piano extensively and wants an area of his home to reflect his passion. We produced several options, and collaboratively chose one of his favorite songs that he shares with his wife and converted the musical notes into a series of custom-made LED pendants. The "notes" are effectively "played" along the staircase, resulting in a beautiful design that impresses guests, and produces an abiding satisfaction for our client, who can "hear" their favorite music every time they ascend the stairs of their home.